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Маяк Гелидония и пиратская бухта

Gelidonia Lighthouse and Pirate Cove

  • Group composition: from 1 to 6 people
  • Duration of the excursion: 6 hours
  • Distance from Antalya: 51-100km

The price includes: transfer from the hotel within Antalya
The price does not include: meals

Do you like mountains and sea? Then you definitely need to walk to the lighthouse at Cape Gelidonia.

This walk will hardly seem very easy, but it will definitely be very beautiful - on the one hand, there is always an exciting sea and sheer cliffs, and on the other, a hill with a coniferous forest. And such beautiful views will be along the entire path (3 km) from the parking lot to the lighthouse.

Cape Gelidonia is located on the Tekke Peninsula between Antalya Bay and Finike Bay. To the south of the cape there is a group of five islands, known since Roman times - the underwater current there was very treacherous, so in ancient times it was very difficult to sail past this place and many ships crashed on rocks and sank. And only in 1936, a lighthouse was built on Cape Gelidonia, which until 1990 worked on kerasin and flashed every 3 seconds. Now the well-known "Lycian path" passes through the lighthouse.

There are also stories about pirates with a visit to a pirate bay, destroyed by Roman troops in the 1st century BC, and about a sunken ship of the Bronze Age, but you will learn about this and many other interesting things on our excursion ...


+ 60 $ transfer from the hotel in Belek, Side
+ 50 $ excursion around the ancient city of Olympos (located 300 m from Cirali)
+ $ 40 visit to the burning mountain Yanartash (Chimera)
+ 30 $ excursion around the ancient city of Phaselis
+ $ 30 visit to the highest mountain Tahtali - 2365 m (excluding ticket prices)


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