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Upper and Lower Duden Waterfalls + Kurshunlu Waterfall

Upper and Lower Duden Waterfalls + Kurshunlu Waterfall

Antalya Waterfalls Tour

1) Upper Duden Waterfall

2) Kurshunlu Waterfall

3) Karpuz Kaldiran waterfall (lower duden)

Upper Duden

The waterfall originates from the Duden River, which is formed by the confluence of two underground streams and in some places comes out. These places are the Upper and Lower Duden waterfalls.

Lower Duden is located on the Mediterranean coast, 15-17 km from Upper Duden. There are also observation platforms and places to rest near it. But you can also drive up to it from below, by boat, so it is more popular among tourists than the Upper Waterfall. Water falls with a roar from Lower Duden directly into the Mediterranean Sea, and in the evening this waterfall is beautifully illuminated.

Lower Duden

The Lower Duden Waterfall has another name - Karpuzkaldiran (from Turkish "jumping watermelon"). This is a large cascading waterfall about 50 meters high, falling directly into the Mediterranean Sea. The most beautiful view of it opens from the sea, especially in the evening, when it is beautifully illuminated. Special sea excursions with a stop at the Lower Duden Waterfall are organized in Antalya.

Kurshunlu Waterfall

According to scientists, relying on geological data, the waterfall appeared quite a long time ago - in the 2nd-3rd centuries. It appeared as a result of a long process of formation of karst deposits in local rocks. As a result, the tributary of Aksu - a small mountain river - was divided into several branches, which, falling from low hills, turned into a transparent waterfall. Its name can be translated into Russian as "lead". But it is not always like this. The color changes noticeably at different times of the year. The waterfall becomes bright emerald in sunny spring or summer weather. When there are clouds in the sky, it acquires a leaden-gray shade. During a downpour, the streams of water become especially stormy. In dry weather, the cascade turns into several babbling streams.


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